FREE wet-bag with every order <><><><><><> Flat rate Express Post Australia Wide <><><><> Nappies from just $5! while stocks last...


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Ever wanted to give cloth nappies a go but worried about the financial outlay?

What if they don't really work for me?

Read on to find out what we do to reduce your risk, maximise your savings and help you along the way :)

Cloth nappies don’t have to be an all or nothing choice, any cloth nappies used help save $, help landfill and save chemicals from your baby’s bottom! 

Did you know just 6 Bambooty Modern Cloth nappies  - 2 a day on the baby, 2 in the washing machine and 2 on the line (the other 4/5 changes in the day would be disposable) - saves over $350 and over 700 disposable nappies a year from landfill? 

BAMBOOTY MODERN CLOTH NAPPIES – Making the most of the nappy’s rise. 

Bambooty modern cloth nappies are known and loved for being ‘low rise’ hipster nappies, but if you find you’d like them to be another centimeter or two higher around your babies middle we suggest you try the following:- 

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